Thursday 8 January 2015

Marketing Questions MCQ With Answers

1) Which among the following is not an example of convenience goods?

(1) Tea
(2) Newspaper
(3) Coffee
(4) Shirts
(5) None of these

2) "Outsourcing" means service rendered by ...............?

(1) outside agencies
(2) other departments of the Company
(3) employees, other than the sales persons
(4) marketing department
(5) All of these

3) Marketing is – Find the wrong option -

(1) an ancient concept
(2) a modern concept
(3) a continuous affair
(4) a team effort
(5) None of these

4) Savings Accounts with zero balance can be opened for ..............?

(1) persons below BPL
(2) students
(3) under Financial Inclusion scheme
(4) as per Bank's Policies
(5) None of these

5) SME means -

(1) Small and medium enterprises
(2) Small scale marketing entities
(3) Small & medium establishments
(4) None of these

6) Buyer Resistance means -

(1) Buyers fighting with the salesman
(2) Reluctant salesman
(3) Indifferent Salesman
(4) Hesitant buyers
(5) None of these

7) Cross-selling is very effective in the sale of one of the following ......?

(1) Debit Cards
(2) Credit Cards
(3) Internet Banking
(4) Auto loans
(5) All of these

8) Market Penetration can be possible through ......?

(1) more calls to the same buyers
(2) more calls to many buyers
(3) surrogate marketing
(4) alternate marketing
(5) All of these

9) Digital Bank can be resorted through -

(1) Mobile phones
(2) Internal
(3) Telephones
(4) All of these
(5) None of these      

10) Bank Marketing is treated as -

(1) Transaction marketing
(2) Service marketing
(3) Indoor marketing
(4) all of these
(5) None of these

Answers Key:

1) Ans. (4) Shirts
2) Ans. (1) outside agencies
3) Ans. (1) an ancient concept
4) Ans. (4) as per Bank's Policies
5) Ans. (1) Small and medium enterprises
6) Ans. (4) Hesitant buyers
7) Ans. (5) All of these
8) Ans. (2) more calls to many buyers
9) Ans. (4) All of these
10) Ans. (2) Service marketing

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