Monday 9 February 2015

English Quiz

Directions for Q. 1 to Q. 3: Each of the following words is followed by four possible synonyms. Pick up the correct synonym for each word. 

1. Enigmatic:       

  1. Illusive
  2. Puzzling
  3. Pithy
  4. Complicated

2. Infallible:        

  1. Authentic
  2. Outspoken
  3. Weak
  4. Perfection

3. Exterior:        

  1. Deceptive
  2. Superficial
  3. Quarrelsome
  4. Vindictive

Directions for Q. 4 to Q. 6: Pick up the correct antonyms for each word from given options. 

4. Enervate:        

  1. Conclude
  2. Introduce
  3. Debilitate
  4. Fortify

5. Certain:        

  1. Unsure
  2. Confident
  3. True
  4. Sure

6. Transient:        

  1. Permanent
  2. Transparent
  3. Fleeting
  4. Brief

Direction for Q. 7 and Q. 8: Choose the incorrect word in the following sentences. 

6. No sooner we entered than he got up and left the room:      

  1. got up
  2. than
  3. we entered
  4. left

7. This is the time of the year where the birds came to eat the crops      

  1. where
  2. came
  3. of
  4. time

Directions for Q. 9 to Q. 14: Choose the correct relation in the following. 

9. KICK is to FOOTBALL as SMOKE is to______   

  1. WINE
  2. CIGAR

10. RAINY SEASON is to SUMMER as THURSDAY is to_____       


11. DAY is to NIGHT as COLD is to_____   

  3. WARM

12. ECSTASY is to HAPPINESS as ADMIRATION is to_____   

  1. CLOSE
  2. DEAR

13. SHIP is to FISH as______ is to BIRD.       

  1. KITE
  2. CHIRP
  3. TREE

14. GLOVE is to BALL as HOOK is to_____       

  1. FISH
  2. CROOK
  3. CLOTH

Directions for Q. 15 to Q. 18: Re-arrange the following sentences.

He brought: 
1. freedom to India; 
2. taught us many things; 
3. and in that process; 
4. which were important for us at that time 

15. The proper sequence should be:       

  1. 3214
  2. 1234
  3. 1324
  4. 2134

There is nothing: 
1. the casualness; 
2. between them but a momentary; 
3. sensual gratification 
4. of which is neatly stressed in detail 

16. The proper sequence should be:       

  1. 3412
  2. 1234
  3. 2314
  4. 3241

Never before: 
1. to reach my goal; 
2. have I journeyed; 
3. so long; 
4. through forest and desert 

17. The proper sequence should be:      

  1. 3214
  2. 2341
  3. 1234
  4. 4132

1. build webs; 
2. in houses; 
3. that many people fear; 
4. those eight-legged bugs 

18. The proper sequence should be:       

  1. 4123
  2. 1243
  3. 1234
  4. 4312

Directions for Q. 19 and Q. 20: Replace the italicized word by its closest antonyms. 

19. Necessity is often the plea for every infringement of law.        

  1. review
  2. violation
  3. obedience
  4. relaxation

20. Much to the chagrin of his parents, he married a very poor girl.
  1. pleasure
  2. excitement
  3. admiration
  4. relief

Directions for Q. 21 to Q. 25: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it. 

“It is undesirable that some useful analogies can be drawn between the relation system of computer mechanism and the relational systems of brain mechanism. The comparison does not depend upon any close resemblance between the actual mechanical links which occur in brains and computers, it depends on what the machines do. Furthermore, brains and computers can both be organised so as to solve problems. The mode of communication is veiy similar in both cases, so much so that computers can now be designed to generate artificial human speech and even by accident to produce sequences of words which human beings recognize as poetry.”

21. Computers are able to perform many functions similar to those performed by the human brain only because:

  1. the sophisticated computer mechanisms have outdone human mental faculties
  2. the brain of modem man is shrunk in size 
  3. the process of programming and communication are similar in both cases 
  4. modern man is more mechanical than human

22. The prime objective of the author is to:        

  1. exhort scientists to introduce the mechanics of the human brain in the computer
  2. draw parallel between the working of the human brain and the computer
  3. decide the decadence of men’s intellectual asp rat ions
  4. highlight points of dissimilarity between the human brain and the computer

23. The human brain is not dissimilar to the computer in its :       

  1. capacity to generate natural speech
  2. faculty to compose poetry spontaneously
  3. methods of communication
  4. structure
24. The author states that computers are capable of producing sequence of words which can be ‘recognised’ as poetry. He thereby implies that:        

  1. this cannot really be given the status of true poetry
  2. the similarity between the true poetry and computer poetry is striking
  3. computers throw down a challenge to the human brain
  4. the concept of true poetry has undergone a thorough change in modern times

25. The similarity between the human brain and the computer would be categorized as:        

  1. imaginary
  2. structural
  3. intellectual
  4. functional

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