Sunday 15 February 2015

Geography Quiz

1.Which country fails in all three natural regions Hot desert, Mediterranean and Cool
temperate type of climate ?
(a) Chile
(b) Israel
(c) Lebanon
(d)None of the above

2.Which vegetation is called natural cattle country ?
(a) Savanna
(b) Downs
(c) Selva
(d) Prairies

3.Which one of the following deserts is famous for its deposits of nitrates ?
(a) Atacama
(b) Kalahari
(c) Gobi

4. Tropical deciduous or monsoonal forests occur in :
(a) Siberia, Alaska, USA, Canada
(b) New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, France
(c) Netherlands, Russia, Norway, UK
(d) Burma, India, Thailand, Brazil

5.Postaz are temperate grassland in :
(a) Australia
(b) South Africa
(d) Egypt

6. Deciduous trees are those :
(a) that grow up straight
(b) that grow plenty in dry places
(c) that never bear fruits
(d) that shed their leaves during a certain
season ‘

7. Which of the following natural regions is not found in the Torrid Zone ?
(a) Equatorial forests
(b) Monsoon regions
(c) Temperate deserts
(d) Tropical grasslands

8. Match the following :
Mineral Producing Area
A. Iron ore                      1. Arkansas
B. Copper                       2. Cuba
C. Aluminium                3. Kazakhstan
D. Nickel                        4. Krivoy Rog.
(a) 1243
(b) 1342
(c) 4213
(d) 4312

9. Long treeless grassy palms are characteristics of
(a) Campos
(b) Llanos
(c) Pampas
(d) Prairies

10. The Mediterranean lands are often called the Worlds:
(a) grazing lands
(b) forest lands
(c) orchard lands
(d) paddy lands

11. Which of the following regions gets no rainfall throughout the year ?
(a) The Equatorial Region
(b) The Tundra Region
(c) The Himalayan Region
(d) The Mediterranean Region

12.Which of the following pairs is correctly matched ?
(a) Tundra region-Lichens and Mosses
(b) Mediterranean region- Groundnut andPotato
(c)China Type region-Tea and Sugarbeet
(d)West-European region–Corn and

13.Summer rains in Australia broadly decreases From
(a) east to west
(b) west to east
(c) north to south
(d) south to north

14. The hot desert of the world are generally Found near:
(a) the equator
(b) the doldrums
(c) the horse latitude
(d) the Tundras

15 Match the following :
A. Mantle                    1. Heavy rocks of lithosphere
B. Sima                       2. Layer below earth’s crust
C. Sial                         3. Light rocks of lithosphere
D. Bill                         4. Small peninsula
(a )3142
(b) 4321
(c) 2134
(d) 1234

16. ln which type of rocks are coal and petroleum found?
(a) Granite
(b) igneous
(c) Metamorphic
(D) Sedimentary

17.Molten rock below the surface of the earth is called :
(a) Basalt
(b) Laccolith
(c) Lava
(d) Magma

18. What is weathering ‘?
(a) Removal of earth’s material by riveraction `
(b) Removal of earth’s material by wind action
(C) Breaking up and disintegration of rocks
(d)Hardening up of rocks due to weather Conditions

19. Which of the following predominantly acts as the agent of chemical erosion of soil ?
(a) Glacier
(b) Seawave
(c) Underground water
(d) Wind

20. Which of the following represents a process of chemical weathering ?
(a) Thermal expansion a1 contraction
(b) Mass exfoliation
(c) Hydration and Hydrolysis
(c) Frost action and crystal growth

Answers Key:

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  1. PDF Download Geography MCQ
  2. IAS Exam Prelims 2015

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