Saturday 14 February 2015

Get PDF Geography For UPSC, Civil Service, SSC Exam

1. Which is not an erosional process caused by wind?
(a) Saltation
(c) Abrasion
(b) Plucking
(d) Deflation

2. The rocks that make up the continents and are rich is silicon and aluminum are L
(a) Lighter in colour and weight
(b) Lighter in colour and heavier in weight
(c) Lighter in weight and darker in colour
(d) Heavier in weight and darker in colour

3. Amount of vertical and lateral displacement on a fault is respectively referred to as:
(a) Heave; throw
(b) Tear, heave
(c) Throw, heave
(d) Heave, tear

4. Sub-aerial slopes include aggravational slopes created by
(a) River sediments (alluvium)
(b) Rainwash (colluvium)
(c) Rock fall talus
(d) All of the above

5. A genetic classification of streams was developed by W.M. Davis, following earlier ideas of:
(a) J.W. Powell
(b) J.K. Jukes t
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of the above

6. Bring the odd one out
(a) Corrie
(b) Ciruqe
(c) Cwm
(d) Arete

7. Excessive folding results in:
(a) Nappe Formation
(b) Block disintegration
(c) Geosyncline
(d) Reverse fault

8. Gutenberg discontinuity is found between the:
(a) Crust and mantle
(b) Upper mantle and lower mantle
(c) Mantle and core
(d) Upper core and lower core

9. Which among the following place does not show the eastern margin warm temperate climate?
(a) Nanking
(b) Miami
(c) Capetown
(d) Sydney

10. The grasslands that are affected by warm ocean current are:
(i) Pampas
(ii) Veld
(iii) Downs
(iv) Canterbury
(v) Pustaz
Select the appropriate code
(a) i, ii, v
(b) i, ii, iii, & v
(c) i, ii, iii, iv
(d) All the above

11. For the first time who used word ‘Anticyclone’?
(a) Fitzroy
(b) Solberg
(c) Gatton
(d) Axner

12. The most important component responsible for Albedo is:
(a) Cloud cover
(b) Ozone layer
(c) Ice-cover
(d) Dust particles

13. The world’s lowest air pressure has been recorded at
(a) Irkutsk
(b) Mariana Islands
(c) Alutian
(d) Hawaii Island

14. Which is the correct descending order of following gases, according to their presence in the atmosphere?
(a) He, Ne, Kr. Xn
(b) Ne, He, Xn, Kr
(c) He, Ne, Xn, Kr
(d) Ne, He, Kr, Xn

15. Selective scattering is caused by:
(a) Gases
(b) Dust particles
(c) Hygroscopic nuclei
(d) All of the above

16. Which theory says that all coral reefs began as fringing reefs around an island’?
(a) Darwin’s subsidence theory
(b) Daly’s subsidence theory
(c) Darwin’s glacial control theory
(d) Day’s glacial control theory

17. Isobaths are:
(a) Contours marking slope below sea level
(b) Contours marking slope below plain level
(c) Contours marking depth below sea level
(d) Contours marking depth below plain level

18. Which ocean does not show constant pattern of ocean current? 
(a) South Indian ocean
(b) North Indian ocean
(c) South Pacific ocean
(d) North Pacific ocean

19. Related to ocean deeps which one is incorrect?
(a) It covers only 1.2% of the Sea bottom
(b) In German it is known as Tiefe
(c) In-French it is known as Fosse
(d) In Welsh it is known a Cwm

20. Who conducted world wide study of 102 submarine Canyons?
(a) Francis Shephard
(b) Charles Bead
(c) None of these
(d) Both of these

21. Which among the following price does not fall under Savanna vegetation?
(a) Kano (Nigeria)
(b) Salisbury (Africa)
(c) Perth (Australia)
(d) San Fernado (Venezuela)

22. Which among the following is a mid-latitude desert?
(a) Atacama
(c) Kalahari
(b) Patagonia
(d) Namib

23. Which among the following does not fall under the warm temperate western margin climate?
(a) Perth
(b) Adelaide
(c) Capetown
(d) Sydney

24. Very old, highly weathered soil of low latitude is known as:
(a) Oxisols
(b) Ultisols
(c) Vrtisols
(d) Alfisols

25. A sequential development of a plant community or group of plant communities on the same site over a period of time.
(a) Xerosere
(b) Sere
(c) Serac
(d) Serir

26. Which region would be worst affected by air pollution?
(a) Industrial region
(b) Commercial centres
(c) Rural region
(d) Transportation belt

27. Which part of Malaysia is most densely populated?
(a) Western Coastline
(b) Eastern Coastline
(c) Northern Coastline
(d) Southern Coastline

28. Which among the following ethnic groups does not fall under Mongoloids?
(a) Eskimos
(b) Red Indians
(c) Yakuts
(d) Alpine

29. Africanization policy of Uganda was aimed at
(a) To encourage immigration from other African country
(b) To disperse over-population
(c) To evict Indian origin people
(d) To encourage African unity

30. Planned rural settlement scheme “Felda” is associated with which country?
(a) Malaysia
(b) Indonesia
(c) Singapore
(d) Thailand

31. Norilsk on the Yenisey river in Siberia is associated with
(a) Nickel mining
(b) Iron mining
(c) Uranium mining
(d) Coal mining

32. Match the following:
List-I                             List-II
A. Chena                          (i) Sri Lanka
B. Caingin                 (ii) Philippines
C. Canuco                 (iii) Venezuela
D. Tamarai                 (iv) Thailand
       A      B C D
(a) i ii iv iii
(b) ii i iv iii
(c) ii i iii iv
(d) i ii iii iv

33. Which among the following group of trees are mainly grown in the Southern part of USA?
(a) Douglus Fir, Hemlock, Spruce, Cedar
(b) Oak, Fir. Cedar, Teak
(c) Yellow Pine, Loblolby Pines, Slash
(d) Teak, Loblolby Pine, Fir

34. Match the following:
List -I                           List-II
A. USA                        (i) Petroleum Oil
B. China                        (ii) Solid Fuel
C. Netherlands                (iii) Natural Gas
D. France                        (iv) Nuclear Power
       A   B C D
(a) i ii iii iv
(b) iii ii i iv
(c) iii iv i ii
(d) i iv iii ii

35. World’s maximum Uranium reserve is located in:
(a) Canada
(b) Niger
(c) Nigeria
(d) Zaire

36. Amsterdam is famous for:
(a) Fishing
(b) Cutlery
(c) Diamond Cutting
(d) Chemicals

37. Soo Canal links lakes:
(a) Superior-Huran
(b) Erie-Ontario
(c) Huran-Erie
(d) Superior-Michigan

38. Main export of Venezuela is:
(a) Tin
(b) Oil
(c) Gold
(d) Coffee

39. Ratio of total population to total food grain land is
(a) Agricultural density
(b) Economic density
(c) Nutrition density
(d) Physiological density

40. Which country has noticed the highest crude death rate?
(a) Afghanistan
(b) Angola
(c) Yaman
(d) Nigeria

41. Anchor tenant is associated with:
(a) Planned shopping
(b) Unplanned shopping
(c) Planned trading
(d) Unplanned trading

42. Initial concentration of cotton industry in USA was:
(a) New England region
(b) S.E.USA
(c) Appalachian region
(d) Great lake region

43. According to Rostow the stage associated to manufacturing industry is
(a) Pre take-off
(b) Take-off
(c) Drive towards maturity
(d) Mass-consumption

44. Environment Handbook (1968) was edited by:
(a) Wale
(b) Cocoyoc
(c) Bosman
(d) Brundtland

45. Vaal River is a tributary of:
(a) Orange River
(b) Limpopo River
(c) Okavango River
(d) Zambezi River

46. Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie are famous as:
(a) Resort towns
(b) Mining towns
(c) Industrial towns
(d) Institutional towns

47. Major industrial famous towns in Ruhr region are:
(a) Berlin, Frankfurt, Stutgard
(b) Essan, Berlin, Colbgue
(c) Essan, Cologue, Dusselberg
(d) Lipzig, Halle, Dessau

48. Arrange these cities in the order of their position from South to North.
(i) Kwangchow
(ii) Shanghai
(iii) Nanking
(iv) Beijing
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) i, iii, ii, iv
(c) iv, ii, iii, i
(d) iv, iii ii, i

49. About 30 per cent of Japan’s Industries are concentrated in
(a) Kwanto Region
(b) Kinki Region
(c) Kita-Kyusu Region
(d) Nagoya Region

50. Select from given choices the appropriate for industrial centres of the Ural region.
(i) Magnigorsk
(ii) Cheliyabinsks
(iii) Ufa
(iv) Sverdlovsk
(v) Tomsk
(a) i, ii, iii and v are correct
(b) i, ii, iii and iv are correct
(c) i, ii and iii are correct
(d) All are correct

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