Sunday 5 April 2015

One Word Substitution Asked in previous Exams of SSC

1. One who goes to settle in another country- Emigrant
2. One who hates mankind- Misanthrope
3. Belonging to all parts of World- Cosmopolitan
4. One who walks on rope- Acrobat
5. The study of the origin and history of words- Etymology
6. A person who breaks into house in order to steal- Burglar
7. The study of maps- Cartography
8. Tough tissues in joints- Ligaments
9. The first model of new device- prototype
10. A building from audience sits- Auditorium
11. A person with a long experience of any occupation- Veteran
12. Words written on tomb- Epitaph
13. Stealthily done- Surreptitious
14. Something no longer in use- Obsolete
15. One not concerned with right or wrong- amoral
16. A person who opposes war or use of military force- Pacifist
17. Severely abusive writing in journals- Scurrilous
18. Call upon God or any other power etc for help or protection- Invocation
19. Fear of being enclosed in a small closed space- Claustrophobia
20. One who has become dependent on something or drug is – Addict
21. That which lasts for a short time- transitory
22. Ready to believe anything- Credulous
23. A four footed animal- Quadruped
24. Constant efforts to achieve something- Perseverance
25. One who collects coins- Numismatist
26. A system of Government in which only one political party is allowed to function- Totalitarianism
27. Customs and habits of a particular group- Mores
28. A body of persons appointed to hear evidence and give their verdict in trials- Jury
29. Indifference to pleasure or pain- Stoicism
30. Concluding part of a literary work- Epilogue
31. One who is beyond reform- Incorrigible
32. Science of disease- Pathology
33. One who secretly listens to the talks of others- Eavesdropper
34. One who believes in not govt. and therefore incites disorder in state- Anarchist
35. A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one- Euphemism
36. The murder of parent or a near relative- Patricide
37. Animals who live in herds- Gregarious
38. A broad road bordered with trees- Boulevard
39. Violation of something holy or sacred- Sacrilege
40. Simple, fast-spreading plant with flowers or leaves which can often cause disease- Fungus
41. One who is greedy- Voracious
42. An area of land that is controlled by ruler- Colony
43. A place where Jews worship acc. To religion- Synagogue
44. One who is indifferent to pleasure and pain- Stoic
45. The study of religion and religious ideas and brief- Theology
46. Dissection of dead to find the cause of death- autopsy
47. A person without training or experience in a skill or subject- Novice
48. One who stays away from school with permission- Truant
49. The act of killing a whole group of people especially a whole race- Genocide
50. A govt. in which all region are honoured- Archive
51. Living together of a man and women without being married to each other- Concubinage
52. Too much official formality- Red Tapism
53. Dry weather with no rainfall- Drought
54. A sly look that is lustful- Leer
55. A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes- Wag
56. Deep in thought- Pensive
57. Without risk of punishment- Impunity
58. Excessive preoccupation with one’s health- Hypochondria
59. Work for which one doesn't take salary or payment- Honorary
60. Group of people living together in the same locality- Neighbourhood
61. The height of an object above sea level- altitude
62. Something that is difficult to believe- Incredible
63. Government of the people, by the people and for the people- Democracy