Friday 3 April 2015

Tips for Error Spotting in English Grammar with answers and explanation

1.) We have much sugar left in the bowl.
Answer: We don’t have much sugar left in the bowl.
Explanation: Much as a determiner is used only in negative sentences which expect negative answers. Of course, much is used only before uncountable nouns.

2.) There is few information I can give you.
Answer: There is little information I can give you.
Explanation: Few cannot be used with uncountable nouns.

3.) I could meet the class as there were few students in it.
Answer: I could not have met the class as there were few students in it.
Explanation: Few is negative, a few is positive.

4.) His both brothers are doctors.
Answer: Both his brothers are doctors.
Explanation: Both always precedes determines like the definite article.

5.) The both girls are singers.
Answer: Both the girls are singers.
Explanation: Both always precedes determines like the definite article.

6.) Of the two students, the one from Nepal is the best.
Answer: Of the two students, the one from Nepal is the better.
Explanation: Instead of best, the word better can be used.

7.) There is not some sugar in the bowl.
Answer: There is no sugar in the bowl
Explanation: Some are expressions of quantity, but some is used in negative contacts and also in questions.

8.) He is the same man who came here yesterday.
Answer: He is the same man as came here yesterday.
Explanation: Same can be followed either by as or that, while such is followed only by as.

9.) He thought he will do some good work.
Answer: He thought he would do some good work.
Explanation: Changing this to indirect speech.

10.) They have lived here from March 1982.
Answer: They have lived here since March 1982. 
Explanation: In the perfect tense since is used.

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