Saturday 27 December 2014

Reasoning For Bank Exam With Solution

Directions (1-5): Each of the questions below consists of a question, followed by two statements numbered I and II. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give the answer

(I) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
(II) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
(III) If the data given in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(IV) If the data given in both the Statements I and II together is not sufficient to answer the question.
(V) If the data in both the Statements I and II together is necessary to answer the question.

1. Is X the brother of Y?

I. X is the daughter of K.
II. Y is the daughter of K.

2. What is the distance between X and Y if X, Y and Z lie in a straight line, not necessarily in the same order?

I. X is 200 km from Z.
II. Z is 300 km from Y.

3. What is Rahul’s rank from the top in the class of 40 students?

I. Ramesh, who is four ranks above Rahul, is 20th in rank from the bottom.
II. Rahul is ranked 5 places below Kamal who is 10th from the top.  

4. Who among A, B, C, D and E finished the race first?

I. C reached before A and D but not before E who was not the first to reach.
II. B reached before C and D and A reached after C.

5. In the code language what is the code for ‘SAD’?

I. In the code language ‘RAHUL IS SAD’ is written as ‘LO MO PO’.
II. In the same code language ‘SAD PERSON’ is written ‘MO TO’.

Directions (6-10): Read the information given below and then answer the questions that follow:

Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle in such a way that three of them are facing outside and rest of them are facing the centre.

E is 2nd to the left of H, who is facing outside. D is second to the left of F and third to the right of E, who is facing the centre. B is third to the left of G and faces outside. G is third to the left of A, who is not an immediate neighbor of E and F. The friends facing outside are not adjacent.

6. Which of the following group is facing outside?

(1) BHE
(2) CBH
(3) CDH
(4) cannot be determined
(5) None of these

7. What is D’s position with respect to A?

(1) Immediate right
(2) 3rd to the left
(3) Opposite
(4) 2nd to the right
(5) Immediate left

8. Who is 2nd to the right of B?

(1) H
(2) G
(3) C
(4) A
(5) D

9. If all the friends change their respective position to immediate right place then who are still facing inside the centre?

(1) A and E
(2) F and D
(3) C and G
(4) A and D
(5) G and A

10. Which of the following is true about the given information?

(1) C and F are facing each other
(2) E is third to the left of F
(3) C is third to the left of B
(4) G and A are two places away from each other.
(5) None of these

Answer Key :

Solutions (1-5):
1. (1) Using statement I, we get that X is the daughter of K and hence is a female. Therefore, X cannot be the brother of Y. So, statement I is sufficient to answer the question.
Using statement II, we get that Y is the daughter of K but nothing is being said about X. So, statement II is not sufficient to answer the question.

2. (4) Since, the order of X, Y and Z is not defined, we cannot find the distance between X and y.

3. (3) Using statement I, we can say that since Ramesh’s rank is 20th from bottom, and Rahul is 4 ranks above Ramesh, then his rank from bottom is 16th and hence from top it will be 25th.
Using statement II, Rahul’s rank from top will be 15th.

4. (1) Using statement I, we get that C reached before A and D but after E, But since E is not first to reach, therefore, B is the first to reach.
Using statement II, we get B reached before C, D and A. So, either B or E reached first. So, it is not sufficient to answer the question.

5. (5) Using both statements together, we get that the code for ‘SAD’ is ‘MO’.

Solutions (6-10):

1. (2)
2. (1)
3. (4)
4. (5)
5. (4)

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