Change in Candidate's name
You can't change your name or date of birth as it is considered as fraud. Name and Date of birth should be same on your certificates and IBPS application. If you have mentioned your name as "Mukesh Kumar" whereas in your certificates, your name is "Mukesh Kumar Garg", then your candidature will be cancelled.
In case you have changed your name and you have the Gazette certificate and Affidavit for name change, then there is no problem for you at all.
In case of married women, identity proof (original) of husband is enough.
Documentation to claim reservation
In 2012 many candidates were rejected by banks because they had Tehsil level or district level reservation certificates. State level certificates are required and caste should be in Centre's list, if you still don't have them, try to make as early as possible.
You have wrongly entered something in the application
You can't edit your Name, Date of birth or anything that impacts your candidature. If you entered your graduation marks 70% instead of 69%, it won't impact your candidature. Many candidates are tensed because of experience certificates, computer diploma etc which they entered in their applications. Clear answer this question is - It won't effect your candidature. Person who will verify your certificates will simply remove those qualification from application.
Date of passing graduation
You need to prove that graduation result was declared before 01-07-2013. If you don't have degree or final marksheet, you can show printout of result with affidavit that your college or university haven't yet issued you final marksheet.
Lost admit card
Don't worry, on 16-12-2013, link to download interview call letter will be live again.
Provisional mark sheet
In case you haven't received marksheet yet and you have provisional mark sheet then it's enough and it won't cause any trouble.
Different name in document
If your name on documents and IBPS application is different then get affidavit stating that both persons are same.
Character certificate
If you are travelling long distance for interview then don't forget to get character certificate from two well know persons in your locality.
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