Directions (1-5): In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow – up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc on the basis of the information given in the statement. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true. Then decide which of the two given suggested courses of action logically follows for pursuing. Give answer
(1) If only I follows
(2) If only II follows
(3) If either I or II follows
(4) If neither I nor II follows.
(5) If both I and II follow
1. Statement:
Some of India’s greatest musician and folk artistes are struggling to make both ends meet.
Courses of Action:
I. The folk artistes should be advised to leave their traditional profession and adopt any other profession to earn their lining.
II. The government should give financial aids to these artistes.
Taking advantage of loopholes in service rules and protection from political authorities, a large number of government employees have been doing a “disappearing act” by remaining absent from work for prolonged periods after availing simple leave for a brief period.
Courses of Action:
I. All such employees should be shown the door immediately.
II. All the erring employees should be deprived of pension and other such benefits.
3. Statement:
Air export volumes have increased substantially over the past decade causing backlogs and difficulties for air cargo agents because of increased demand for space and service.
Course of Action:
I. Airlines and air cargo agents should jointly work out a solution to combat the problem.
II. The reasons for the increase in the volume of air export should be found out.
4. Statement:
The world conference of “Education for all” took place in 1990. Members who attended conference endorsed the frame-work of action for meeting the basic learning needs of all children.
Course of Action:
I. India should suitably implement the action points of this conference.
II. India should also immediately organize this type of conference.
5. Statement:
About 30% to 40% of children who are enrolled, do not attend the school on any given day.
Course of Action:
I. More schools should be started.
II. Reasons for this absenteeism should be found out.
Directions (6-10): In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions/inferences numbered I and II. As assumption is something supposed or taken for granted and an inference is not directly given but can be inferred based on the facts presented. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions/inferences and decide which of those is /are implicit in the statement. Give answers-
(1) If only I is Implicit
(2) If only II is Implicit
(3) If either I or II is Implicit
(4) If neither I nor II is Implicit
(5) If both I and II are Implicit
6. Statement:
A leading car manufacturer has re-introduced a new model of existing car with modified and peppy looks but with the same engine?
I. Engine’s performance is not as important as the looks of the car
II. Looks of the vehicle are important to the buyers.
7. Statement:
As the existing sanctuaries failed to protect the lions from poachers, the state government decided to open two new sanctuaries in the same area.
I. These are not enough lions left to the protect from the poachers
II. Keeping lions in captivity rather than in sanctuaries can ensure their safety from the poachers.
8. Statement:
It is desirable to put the child in the school at the age of 5 years or so.
I: At that age the child reaches appropriate level of development and is ready to learn.
II: The schools do not admit children after six years of age.
9. Statement:
Even with the increase in the number of sugar factories in India, we still continue to import sugar.
I. The consumption of sugar per capita has increased in India.
II. Many of the factories are not in a position to produce sugar to their fullest capacity.
10. Statement:
“You must learn to refer to a dictionary if you want to become a good writer”-A advices B.
I. Only writers refer to the dictionary.
II. All writers, good or bad, refer to the dictionary.
Answers Key:
Solutions (1-5)
1. (2)
I statement not advisable because it is not a rational way to tackle the problem. I statement is advisable because the move will reduce the miseries if the artistes.
2. (4)
I statement not advisable because of two reasons, First it is not prudent to take action against all such employees because there may be some employees who are on leave for genuine reasons.
Second a proper enquiry must be made and a notice should be sent to such employees in this regard. Taking hasty action does not seem judicious. In other words, course of action I is a harsh action. Hence not advisable. Course of action II is also not advisable on similar grounds.
3. (1)
The problem faced by the airlines and cargo agents is the non availability of cargo space. Therefore, right course of action is to combat the plan.
4. (1)
Implementation of such action plans as framed by the conference is a right course of action as it will give an immediate and effective impact on the standard of education for the children.
5. (2)
Reasons for this absenteeism should be found out as it will help to check such absenteeism of students from the class.
Solutions (6-10)
6. (5)
Both Implicit.
7. (4)
None Implicit
8. (1)
It is logical to say that at the age of 5 years the child reaches appropriate level of development and is ready to learn. So, assumption I statement implicit. Assumption II is not relevant.
9. (4)
None is implicit as there may be various reasons for the same.
10. (4)
Nothing can be said definitely.
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