Saturday 21 February 2015

100 Important Marketing Questions For Bank Exam 2015 : Download PDF

1).KYC stands for?
a) Know Your Controls
b) Know Young Customer
c) Know Your Consumer
d) Know Your Customer
e) None of these

2).Which of the following comes under FMCG?
a) Tobacco Products
b) Printers
c) Coin Vending Machines
d) Industrial Products
e) Computers and Laptops

3).Who to overcome the buyer resistance in a sale deal?
a) Lengthy talk
b) Perseverance
c) Arguing Skills
d) Confusing Sales Talks
e) Miss Selling

4).Which is known as the best, important and central activity of a business?
a) Mainstay
b) Product lines
c) Core Competency
d) Nuclear Activity
e) Portfolio

5).Who was the target group of Home Loans?
a) Farmer societies
b) Individuals not owing any house
c) Tiles Manufacturers
d) All Builders
e) Government officers

6).What is mean by Delivery Channel?
a) Courier Persons
b) Purchased Goods
c) Product Shelf-life
d) Sales Outlets
e) Finance Channels

7).By using the customers buying history, allow them to select for related offers in called as?
a) Cross Selling
b) Marketing Techniques
c) Prospecting
d) Up- selling
e) Challenging Selling

8).The process of selling is different from marketing and aims at profit maximisation through___?
a) Satisfaction of sellers
b) Solution of customer problems
c) Customer Satisfaction
d) Increasing sales volume of quality products
e) Innovation and market research

9).The segmentation of Market based on the gender of the customer is comes under which type?
a) Socio-cultural Segmentation
b) Geographic Segmentation
c) Lifestyle-based Segmentation
d) Demographic Segmentation
e) Psychographic Segmentation

10).The paid public media which is used for mass communication with customers or potential customers is called as?
a) Public Relations
b) Brand Building
c) Advertising
d) Publicity
e) Sales Promotion

11).The Process of Marketing a product experimentally in some selected areas before releasing the product in a wide range is called as?
a) Segmentation
b) Grading
c) Sampling
d) Test Marketing
e) Segregation

12).In Marketing, What is meant by Motivation?
a) Inspiring Counter staff to speak out
b) Inspiring sales persons to talk more
c) Inspiring sales persons to sell 
d) Market Price
e) Market Size

13).Fixing the price of the product based on the buyer’s perception of value is known as?
a) Target Profit Pricing
b) Value Based Pricing
c) Break Even Pricing
d) Cost Plus Pricing
e) None of these

14).What is meant by “Negative Demand”?
a) Consumers dislike a product and may even pay to avoid it
b) Consumer has no proper awareness about the product
c) Consumer do not buy the product
d) Consumers begin to buy a product less frequently
e) Consumer purchases vary on a seasonal basis

15).Where we can get the Home Loan Leads?
a) Individuals
b) Audit Department
c) Brick manufactures
d) Cement Suppliers
e) Builders

16).By which of the following Internet Banking can get popularized?
a) Better Technology
b) Wide Area Network
c) Reduced Prices
d) More ATMs
e) Higher Profits

17).Uncertain situations such as possibility of price decrease or increase, changes in consumer preference, and changes in nature of competitions is called as?
a) Market Outcomes
b) Market Describes
c) Market Outlook
d) Market Risk
e) Market Scope

18).Healthy Competition helps to?
a) Better customer profile
b) More market share
c) Improve brand image
d) Reduce Sales
e) Improve customer service

19).The systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data with respect to a particular market is known as?
a) Market Profile
b) Market Research
c) Market Segmentation
d) Market Share
e) Market Updating

20).Which is the most common source to generate leads for all companies?
a) Audit Guidelines
b) Weekly Magazines
c) Yellow Pages
d) Dictionary
e) House Magazines

21). Which of the following alternatives is done by a nonprofit or government organization to further a cause?
a) Brand marketing
b) Causal marketing
c) Social marketing
d) Issue marketing
e) Non-profit marketing

22).What is the aim of successful marketing?
a) To increase the profit
b) To increase the sale
c) To increase the output of sellers
d) All of the given options
e) To increase customer base

23).______ is reducing the number of organization levels to get closer to the customer
a) Globalising
b) Empowering
c) Draft the report
d) Flattening
e) Accelerating

24).SWOT analysis refers to an analysis of a company’s?
a) Systems, weaknesses, operations, threats
b) Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
c) System, weaknesses, operations, technology
d) Strategic units, worker, opportunities, technology
e) Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, technology

25).when customers fall into different user groups with distinct buying preferences and practices, a__________?
a) Flattened organization
b) Product management organization
c) BAMT organization
d) Brand-management organization
e) Market management organization

26).Customization marketing means?
a) testing
b) Making a few changes according to client requirement to an already existing product
c) costing
d) production
e) All of the given options

27)._______ encourages and empowers personnel to produce more ideas and take more initiative?
a) Benchmarketing
b) Accelerating
c) Empowering
d) Merging
e) Flattering

28).Increasing the effort to “think global” and “act local” is?
a) empowering
b) globalising
c) flattering
d) focusing
e) benchmarking

29). Product and brand management is sometimes characterized as a_____ system?
a) Hub-and-spoke
b) Regional system
c) Layered organization
d) Flattened organization
e) wheel

30). A company selling in a national market often organizes its sales force along_____ lines?
a) Product
b) territory
c) psychographic profiles
d) geographic
e) convenience

31).Which concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality, performance or innovative features?
a) Product
b) Selling
c) Holistic marketing
d) Production
e) Marketing

32).Market survey means?
a) Marketing strategies
b) All of the given options
c) Market monitoring
d) Market planning
e) Market research

33).Which of the following markets requires developing a superior product and packaging along with continuous advertising?
a) Profit market
b) Non profit/government
c) Global markets
d) Consumer markets
e) Business markets

34).Delivery Channel means?
a) Service centers
b) Other than those given as options
c) Handing over the products to the buyers
d) Product manufacturing
e) Places where product are made available to the buyers

35).____ is the acquiring or merging with firm in the same or complementary industries to get economies of scale or scope?
a) Merging
b) Empowering
c) Outsourcing
d) Globalizing
e) Accelerating

36).Which of the following may be classified as FMCG?
a) Printing Machines
b) Tobaco Product
c) Life Saving Drugs
d) Coin Vending Machines
e) Industrial Goods

37).Buyer resistance in a sales deal can be overcome by means of ..?
a) Lengthy sales talk
b) Confusing sales talk
c) IT jargons
d) Perseverance
e) Arguing skills

38).The best, important and central activity of a business is known as its?
a) Portfolio
b) Product line
c) Nuclear Activity
d) Mainstay
e) Cone Competency

39).The target group for Home Loans is?
a) All body-builder
b) Tiles manufacturers
c) Housing societies
d) Farmers ‘societies
e) Individuals not owning any house

40) A Good customer service is an extended arm of__?
a) Service Marketing
b) Web Marketing
c) Process Marketing
d) Indirect Marketing
e) Internet Marketing

41).Marketing is best defined as:
a) Matching a product with its market
b) Promoting and selling products
c) Facilitating satisfying exchange relationships
d) Distributing products at the rights price to stores
e) Distributing products at low price to stones

42).The expansion of the definition of marketing to include non business activities adds which one of these examples to the field of marketing?
a) Proctor and Gamble selling toothpaste
b) St. Pauls Church attracting new member
c) PepsiCo selling soft drinks
d) Lever’s donating 25 pence to a charity with every pack purchased
e) None of these

43).Tom goes to a vending machine, deposits 50 pence, and receives a Cola. Which one of the following aspects of the definition of marketing is focused on there?
a) Production concept
b) Satisfaction of organizational goals
c) Product pricing and distribution
d) Exchange
e) None of these

44).The marketing environment is BEST described as being?
a) Composed of controlled variables
b) Composed of variables independent of one another
c) An indirect influence on marketing activity
d) Dynamic and changing
e) None of these

45).A physical, concrete product you can touch is:
a) A server
b) A good
c) An idea
d) A concept
e) A philosophy

46).Chimney Sweeps employs people to clean fireplaces and chimneys in homes and apartments. The firm is primarily the marketer of:
a) A server
b) A good
c) An idea
d) An image
e) A physical entity

47).Which one of the following statements by a company chairman best reflects the marketing concept?
a) We have organised our business to make certain that we satisfy customer needs.
b) We believe that the marketing department must organize to sell what we produce.
c) We try to produce only high quality, technically efficient products.
d) We try to encourage company growth.
e) We try to produce only high quality and low to cost products.

48).The marketing concept is a way of thinking or a management philosophy that affects:
a) Only marketing activities
b) Most efforts of the organisation
c) Mainly the efforts of sales personnel
d) Mainly customer relations
e) Only business organisations

49).If VonAir, a hair dryer manufacturer, is focusing on customer satisfaction; it will find that what consumers really want is:
a) More watts
b) More speed
c) Higher heat settings
d) Attractive hair
e) More hair

50).The XKL company wants to adopt the marketing concept. To be consistent with move, it should adopt which of the following philosophies?
a) The customer is always rights
b) Making money is our business
c) Sell, sell, sell
d) Keep prices low
e) Focus on today

51).Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is managing company’s interaction with____?
a) Current and future customers
b) Direct Selling Associations (DSAs)
c) Sales Team
d) Services Team
e) None of these

52).Which of the following is NOT involved in the growth strategy of a company?
a) Horizontal Integration
b) Vertical Integration
c) Intensification
d) Diversification
e) None of these

53).What is meant by Lead Generation?
a) Likely source for prospective clients
b) Motivating the Sales Force
c) Tips for Selling tactics
d) Tips for Better production
e) None of these

54).Which of the following is NOT required for efficient marketing style?
a) Good Communication Skills
b) Proper Planning
c) Knowledge of Products
d) Team Work
e) None of these

55).Which of the following is NOT a part of the Modern Style of Marketing?
a) E-Commerce
b) E-mail Solicitation
c) Telemarketing
d) Digital Marketing
e) None of these

56).What is meant by Customisation?
a) Special products to suit each customer
b) More products per customer
c) Acquiring more customers
d) New innovative products
e) None of these

57).In Banking Industry, ROA stands for?
a) Return on Advances
b) Ratio of Assets
c) Return on Assets
d) Rate of Allocation
e) None of these

58).What is the best definition for Marketing?
a) Meeting human needs profitably
b) Only selling
c) To focus only on products or services
d) To focus on customers
e) Only 3) and 4)

59).Which of the following statement is correct?
a) Only marketing involves extra work
b) Marketing is not required in India due to its vast population
c) Marketing is a waste of employee’s time
d) Marketing includes promotion, selling, research and advertising
e) None of these

60).What does market information means?
a) Knowledge of customer profile and product mix
b) Knowledge of small shops and street markets
c) Knowledge of various languages
d) Knowledge of shopping malls and supermarkets
e) None of these

61).Who among the following does the Product Design?
a) Back Office Staff
b) Loan Section
c) Management
d) Marketing and Research Team
e) Front Office Staff

62).Who all are the target groups for Personal Loans?
a) New Born Babies
b) Minor Children
c) All Salaried Persons
d) All Private Limited Companies
e) All Businessmen

63).Service Marketing is also known as?
a) Relationship Marketing
b) Instant Marketing
c) Internal Marketing
d) Passive Marketing
e) Transaction Marketing

64).What is meant by Conversion?
a) Selling products and services of a company
b) To Change a product suitably to suit each customer
c) To convert profit into loss
d) To Convert a prospect into buyer
e) To convert loss into profit

65).What is meant by ‘CALL’ in marketing terms?
a) Territory allocation for salespersons
b) A call centre
c) A sales meeting
d) A newly introduced products
e) To visit a prospect

66).’Cold Calls’ means?
a) Calls made in cold countries
b) Old product with new wrapping
c) Sales Talk
d) A futile exercise
e) Calls made without prior appointment

67).Using a customer’s buying history to select them for related offers is known as___
a) Prospecting
b) Marketing
c) Channel-Selling
d) Up-Selling
e) Cross-Selling

68).The concept of selling is different from that of marketing and aims at profit maximisation through___
a) Increasing sales volume of quality products
b) Innovation and marketing research
c) Satisfaction of customer needs
d) Customer satisfaction
e) Solution of customer problems

69).The process of systematic gathering, recording and analysing of data with respect to a particular market is known as?
a) Market Profile
b) Market Share
c) Marketing Review
d) Market Research
e) Market Segmentation

70).Which is the most common source for Leads Generation?
a) Audit Guidelines
b) Vision Documents
c) Yellow Pages
d) House Magazines
e) Dictionary

71).World Consumer Rights Day is Observed on
a) 15th March
b) 16th March
c) 17th March
d) 18th March
e) None of these

72).The process of expansion of market by developing new products in order to satisfy new customer needs is called as_____
a) Market Improvement
b) Diversification
c) Market revolution
d) Market Generation
e) Both a) and d)

73).Which among the following statement is TRUE?
a) Marketing is not required in profit-making companies
b) Marketing makes the company go into loss due to higher expenses
c) Marketing Sharpens the minds of the employees
d) Marketing is a waste of Time
e) Marketing is a time-bound seasonal function.

74).Among the following terms, which are NOT defined as an element of the marketing, mix?
a) Place
b) Products
c) People
d) Profits
e) None of these

75).ABT provides door-to-door services on behalf of Whirlpool and LG. This is an example of_______
a) Third party delivery
b) Horizontal Marketing
c) First Party Delivery
d) Diversified Marketing
e) Multi-Channel Delivery

76).The type of goods that used for the major part of the production is called as
a) Derived Goods
b) Consumer Goods
c) Durable Goods
d) Market Goods
e) Capital Goods

77).Who can we judge the Selling Skills?
a) The number of customers converted
b) The amount of profit earned
c) The number of goods sold
d) All the above
e) None of these

78).Which of the following comes under rural marketing?
a) Selling by rural banks
b) Selling to rural banks
c) Selling to rural customers
d) Arranging industrial exhibitions
e) All the above

79).Among the below statement, which expresses Maslow’s Motivation Theory Best?
a) Importance of Motivation of customer development
b) Where human needs are arranged in a hierarchy
c) Why people are driven by particular need at particular times
d) All of these
e) Only b) and c)

80).SWOT analysis is defined as?
a) Internal Environment analysis
b) South-West organisation for trade
c) External Environment analysis
d) Strategic planning for selling product
e) Marketing tool to understand constraints and potential of self and competitor

81). Bold New found that there is an excess stock in the light bulb, so that the firm increases the advertising budget by 50 per cent and doubles its sales staff. Here the Company is operating in?
a) Production
b) Sales
c) Social
d) Marketing
e) None of these

82).Chrysler’s Chief Executive Officer is the company’s Spokesperson. His message has focused on concern for customers and product quality. Which aspect of implementing the marketing concept does this represent?
a) Focusing on general
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b) Development of an information system
c) Endorsement of the marketing concept by top management
d) Stressing the short run
e) Restructuring of the organisation

83).What is the example for the problem arises during the concept of implementation of the marketing?
a) By satisfying one segment in society, a firm contributes to the dissatisfaction of other segments.
b) Dealers do not support the marketing concept.
c) A product may fit the needs of too many segments.
d) Consumers do not understand what the marketing concept is.
e) None of these

84).Which among the following is most specific Marketing Strategy?
a) Expands geographic boundaries of markets to serve larger geographic areas
b) Encompasses selecting and analysing a target market and creating and maintaining an appropriate marketing mix
c) Is concerned with key decisions required to reach an objective
d) Involves determining the direction and objectives of marketing management
e) Expands market to reach a goal

85).Among the following which is NOT the part of Marketing Management tasks?
a) Coordinating marketing activities
b) Marketing planning
c) Organizing marketing activities
d) Project development and analysis
e) Marketing control

86).If Erin Farm Insurance saw increase in number of farmers found flood insurance in Ireland due to floods in Britain, what is the company’s presentation with marketing?
a) opportunity
b) target
c) mix
d) concept
e) strategy

87).A change in the minimum drinking age in the UK presents a change in __________for Bass Brewery?
a) Product strategy
b) Marketing environment
c) Marketing mix
d) Marketing concept
e) Marketing task

88).If Good Invest was to perceive that consumers within a particular group were becoming more conservative in their investing, and thus developing more products with lower risk, it would be:
a) Responding to the marketing environment
b) Responding to changes in technology
c) Changing its organization structure
d) Developing sales orientation
e) Changing its target market

89).Capri is a new brand of Cigarette, that contains low tar and very slim in design to appeal to women, in this statement, Women comprise Capri’s?
a) Marketing opportunity
b) Target market
c) Marketing strategy
d) Target audience
e) Marketing mix

90).Highly stain resistant and durable carpets are developed by DuPont and to educate consumers about the product’s benefits, they are conducting a program. This activity for marketing mix variables is known as?
a) packaging
b) promotion
c) distribution
d) product
e) price

91).When EMI will become marketing tool?
a) It is very high
b) It is very low
c) It is fluctuating
d) It is increasing
e) It has no role as a marketing tool.

92).Which of the following comes under FMCG?
a) Industrial Goods
b) Tobacco Product
c) Coin Vending Machines
d) Printing Machines
e) Life Saving Drug

93).Buyer resistance in a sales deal can be overcome by means of?
a) Arguing skills
b) IT jargons
c) Confusing sales talk
d) Perseverance
e) Lengthy sales talk

94).___________is known as the best, important and central activity of business?
a) Mainstay
b) Nuclear Activity
c) Product line
d) Portfolio
e) Core Competency

95).Who is the target group for Home Loan?
a) Farmer’s societies
b) Housing societies
c) Tiles manufactures
d) All body – builders
e) Individuals not owing any house

96).What is mean by Delivery Channels?
a) Sales Outlets
b) Channel Finance
c) Purchased Goods
d) Product Shelf – life
e) Courier Person

97).The process of providing offers related to customers buying history is known as?
a) Prospecting
b) Channel Selling
c) Up-selling
d) Marketing
e) Cross-Selling

98).The process of selling is different from marketing and aims at profit maximisation through______.
a) Solution for customer problems
b) Customer satisfaction
c) Increasing sales volume of quality
d) Innovation of customer problems
e) Satisfaction of customer problems

99).What is the name of the segmentation that was based on the gender of the customer?
a) Geographic Segmentation
b) Demographic Segmentation
c) Lifestyle-based Segmentation
d) Psychographic Segmentation
e) Socio-Cultural Segmentation

100).To do mass communication with the potential customers, usually through paid public media which is known as_______.
a) Brand Building
b) Public Relation
c) Advertising
d) Sales Promotion
e) Publicity

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