Monday 23 February 2015

English Model Test Paper Download

Directions (Q. 1—10): Find out which parts of the following sentence has a grammatical or idiomatic error in it.
1. Cattle’s /(a) were grazing/(b) in the meadows/(c) near our farm /(d)

2. Make haste/(a) lest (b) you (c) should not miss the train /(d)

3. We must not complain /(a) that roses have thorns/(b) but, rather grateful/(c) that thorns bear flowers /(d)

4. Your flat /(a) is superior than /(b) that of mine/(c) in all respects /(d)

5. The leaders of the striking workers/(a) called for/ (b) the directors/(c) for negotiations.(d)

6. Mr. Sharma had reached/ (a) the scene of the accident /(b) much before/(c) the police arrived. Isn’t it? /(d)

7. Pages after pages/(a) of / (b) the Mahabharata /(c) were read /(d)

8. You should watch/ (a) how careful/(b) the sparrow knits/(c) the straws into one another to form a nest.(d)

9. More leisure/(a) as well as an abundance of/(b) goods are attainable/(c) through automation. (d)

10. In case of his dying/(a) without an issue/(b) his nephew would inherit /(c) the whole property /(d)

Directions (Q.11—13): In the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase. italicized in the sentence. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

11. He is accused of sitting on the fence—
(a) Observing the scene
(b) Hesitating which side to join
(c) Resting on the fence
(d) Confused about the situation

12. He is out and but a liar—
(a) surely
(b) consistently
(c) basically
(d) thoroughly

13. I stepped forward fully determined to take the bull by the horns—
(a) to meet the danger boldly
(b) to act without any hesitation
(c) to act without any preparation
(d) to be fully alive to one’s interests

Directions (Q. 14—23): In the following questions each word is followed by four probable answers (a), (b), (c), and (d). Choose the meaning of the word out of the four choices.

(a) slander
(b) denounce
(c) ditch
(d) accuse truthfully

(a) waver
(b) tickle
(c) whisper
(d) shiver

(a) support
(b) pacify
(c) take up arms
(d) work against

(a) novice
(b) ambiguous
(c) perfect
(d) imperfect

18. GLIB
(a) fluent
(b) stammer
(c) tragic
(d) dull

(a) as wise as a sage
(b) preceding a wise man
(c) unwise
(d) predict

(a) strange
(b) agree tacitly
(c) spontaneous
(d) advance

(a) very soft
(b) generous
(c) enjoy cruel treatment inflicted on oneself
(d) enjoy suffering of others

22. Nom de Plume
(a) writer’s assumed name
(b) an animal
(c) a bird
(d) a real name

(a) brave
(b) rebel
(c) traitor
(d) patriot

24. The opposite of SENSITIVE is—
(a) Cunning
(b) Truthful
(c) Ardent
(d) Thick skinned

Directions (Q. 24—31): In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase italicized in the sentence. Choose the one which best expresses. the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

25. He was unable to account for the deficit in the firm’s bank balance—
(a) give the accounts for
(b) give a satisfactory explanation for
(c) speak the truth about
(d) maintain proper accounts of

26. She is a clever girl, and she can put two and two together—
(a) draw a logical conclusion
(b) make a formal statement
(c) look very thoughtful
(d) count very well

27. His most trusted friend proved to be a snake in the grass—
(a) a hidden enemy
(b) low and mean
(c) an unreliable person
(d) cowardly and brutal.

28. The captors of the kidnapped kept his family on tenterhooks—
(a) on constant move
(b) in anxious suspense
(c) in seething anger
(d) in excited wait

29. I have come to know of your hole and corner methods of dealing with people—
(a) suspicious
(b) strict
(c) servile
(d) secret

30. They are sure to steal a march upon their competitors.— .
(a) defy
(b) outshine
(c) challenge
(d) resist

31. He was in a brown study and did not seem to catch my point—
(a) in his study room
(b) absent minded
(c) absorbed in reading
(d) in a state of shock

Directions (Q.32—41): Each sentence has one or two blanks. Below the sentence, there are four numbered words or set words. Choose the one that best fits meaning of the sentence as a whole.

32. It is wise to begin treatment of a progressive disease when it is still…….. in stage.
(a) climacteric
(b) clinical
(c) incipient
(d) terminal

33. You should. ….. this paragraph in order to make your essay more………
(a) delete    — succinct
(b) enlarge — redundant
(c) revise    — discursive
(d) excise   — legible

34. The teacher suspected cheating as soon as he noticed the pupils………..
glances at his classmate’s paper.
(a) futile
(b) sporadic
(c) furtive
(d inconsequential

35. The dispute becomes so that we were afraid the adversaries would come to blow.
(a) ironic
(b) didactic
(c) articulate
(d) acrimonious

36. The result does not original conception of the matter.
(a) accord with
(b) correspond with
(c) reconcile
(d) reconcile to

37. There was so much……..material in the essay that it was difficult to get the authors message.
(a) variegated
(b) superficial
(c) extraneous
(d) exemplary

38. The admiration of Gandhiji earned was ………. by his…….. concern for welfare of the under dogs.
(a) developed    — real
(b) engendered — sincere
(c) aroused       — proverbial
(d) belied         — prudent

39. His………. pranks sometimes offended his serious minded friends.
(a) abstruse
(c) childish
(b) slanderous
(d) ugly

40. Only her……… voice betrayed her fear.
(a) tremulous
(b) squeamish
(c) peevish
(d) tenacious
41. The world is so constructed that if you wish to enjoy its pleasures, you must also…… its pain.
(a) deny
(b) neglect
(c) ignore
(d) endure

Directions (Q. 42—46): In the following questions find the, word correct1y spelt.
42 (a) Appearent
(b) Appareant
(c) Apparant
(d) Apparent

43. (a) Discremenate
(b) Descriminate
(c) Discriminate
(d) Discreminate

44. (a) Nuisance
(b) Neusense
(c) Nuesanse
(d) Nuisence

45. (a) Canelation
(b) Cancillatioin
(c) Cancellation
(d) Cansellation

46. (a) Massenger
(b) Messenger
(c) Messanger
(d) Massanger

Directions (Q. 47?50): In the following questions, find the right meaning of each word from the given alternatives.

47. Collude—
(a) to conspire
(b) to conceal
(c) to strike
(d) to allege

48.  Naive?
(a) Unfurnished
(b) Clever
(c) Simple
(d) Skilful

49. Scant—
(a) Not enough
(b) Malicious
(c) Progressive
(d) Unplanned

50. Vex—
(a) To implicate
(b) To exclude
(c) To appease
(d) To irritate

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