Friday 20 February 2015

Fill in the Blanks

1. He ——– his living by hard work.
a) earns                                                 
b) wins
C creates                                              
d) able

2. Bread is usually made ——– wheat.
b)  from
c) with                                                   
d) by

3. Did the child ——– from the chair ?
a) fell                                                      
b)  fallen
c) falling                                                
d) fall

4. Do you ——– to see my collection ?
a) cared                                                
 b) like
c) want                                                                  

5. After initial setback, all ——– programmes were successful due to the initiative of the new dynamic team.
a) consequent                                    
b)  subsequently
c)  consequently                                

6. He seemed most amenable ——– my idea.
a) with                                                   
b) to
c) for                                                      
d) None of these

7. It would be a good idea if you ——– his permission first.
a) get                                                     
b) got
c) have got                                           
d) will get

8. Pythons have horny claw-like spurs, which are present ——– either side of the anus.
a) ON                                                     
b) IN
c) about                                                
d) None of these

9. The deadline was nearby , so Mrs. Sweth had her students ——– their essay.
a) complete                                         
b) to complete
c) completing                                      
d) completed

10. Lokesh was busy when we ——– to see him.
a) go                                                    
 b) went
c) gone                                                 
d) goes

Answers With Explanation: -
1. Option ‘A’ (EARNS) is correct. Here LIVING=money to buy the things that you need in life. Obviously EARNS is the correct word to use here.

2. Option ‘B’ (FROM) is correct.. The word OF is used when the form of the thing in the object remains the same (physical change); as THIS TABLE IS MADE OF WOOD. Here the object is WOOD, but when it was formed in a table the form of wood does not change; it remains wood still. The word FROM is used when there is change of form (chemical change), as CURD IS MADE FROM MILK.

3. Option ‘D’ (FALL) is correct. DID is the helping verb here; it always takes first form of the verb; so FALL the correct word here. 

4. Option ‘C’ (WANT) is correct. WANT = to desire. The verb LIKE is used when something is enjoyed being watched etc, and its use is in general sense; as I LIKE TO SEE MOVIES. But here the context is not like that, rather it’s a one time desire, so WANT is correct.

5. Option ‘D’ (SUBSEQUENT) is correct. SUBSEQUENT = happening or coming after something else. CONSEQUENT = happening as a result.

6. TO (option ‘b’). AMENABLE is followed by TO, not WITH or FOR or any other preposition.

7. GOT (option ‘b’). If the verb in the main clause is in the PAST SIMPLE conditional (here WOULD BE), the verb in the main clause is in the SIMPLE PAST TENSE. So GOT is correct.

8. ON (option ‘a’). Here we are talking the SIDES of the ANUS, not the ANUS itself. Any side of a thing is a surface, and therefore two-dimensional, so ON is correct. Had it been the ANUS itself, the correct word would have been IN as the ANUS is three dimensional

9. COMPLETE (option ‘a’). When the structure is like HAVE+OBJECT (here HAD+HER STUDENTS); HAVE is a main verb and not a helping herb and the third form of the verb is not always necessary like it always happens when HAVE is a helping verb; and this structure is used when we mean TO GET A WORK DONE/COMPLETED. When used like this the object can follow two types of verbs namely either the third form of it or the first form itself depending on the meaning we want to convey. When we mean someone is employed to perform one’s own task or anybody other’s task we use the third form. When we mean a task is of the person by whom we get it done/performed we use the first form. In the given sentence they were students whose task it was, so the first form i.e. COMPLETE (option ‘a’) is right.

NOTE: HAVE + OBJECT + VERB (ing) is also possible but then the meaning is entirely different.

10. WENT (option ‘B’). This sentence has two clauses LOKESH WAS BUSY and WHEN——TO SEE HIM. The second clause has the time expression WHEN, so it must be in past as the first clause in past. Therefore options ‘A’ and ‘D’ both not possible as they refer to present. Option ‘C’ also is not possible as it’s the verb in 3rd form; and 3rd form of verb can’t stand alone, means it must have a helping verb. So WENT (option ‘B’) only is possible.

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