Sunday 22 February 2015

Reading Comprehension For Online Exam

Directions.— Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow

Discrimination implies that there is a preference for some or a prejudice towards others. Wise teachers examine how to provide classroom systems that treat students equally.
In doing so, they may find that equal treatment results from unequal interpretations of rules. The expectation for all children to stay in their seats and not wander around the room may be an unfair expectation for some. In getting to know students well, teachers can come to know what instructional contexts are tolerable, possible and desirable for various individuals. In knowing themselves well, teachers know what alterations in their own preferred style of teaching will be necessary to accommodate different children.

1. Discrimination involves
(A) favoritism
(B) preconceived opinion
(C) partiality
(D) All of the above

2. “Equal treatment results from unequal interpretation of rules”means
(A) biased teachers can interpret rules in any way
(B) only rules that involve safety can be unilateral
(C) rules ought not to have singular interpretation
(D) None of the above

3. According to the passage, a teacher must
(A) Know his/her lessons well
(B) Know himself/herself well
(C) None of these
(D) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

4. “The expectation for all children to stay in their seats and not wander around the room may be an unfair practice for some” means—
(A) it is expected that all children must stay in their seats
(B) it is expected that all children will wander in the classroom
(C) the expectation that all children will display similar behaviour
(D) None of the above

5. According to the passage, teachers need to be?
(A) Considerate
(B) Fair
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

6. The passage espouses that wise teachers
(A) check the veracity of the students statements
(B) are not indifferent to students
(C) are tolerant of the student’s mischief
(D) follow their favoured styles of teaching

7. ‘Unequal’ refers to?
(B) different
(D) unilateral

8. ‘Alterations’ refers to?
(A) choices
(B) changes
(C) options
(D) None of the above

9. The author wants the teaches to be
(A) wise and tolerant
(B) accommodating and focused
(C) fair and unbiased
(D) All of the above

10. ‘Accommodate’ in the passage refers to
(A) reconcile
(B) serve
(C) harmonize
(D) oblige

Directions—(Q. 17—25) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow

Once, the word man meant ‘person’ or ‘human being’. It was like the Latin word ‘homo’, a member of the human species, not an adult male of the species. But, man has, gradually, become more specific in meaning and is now a synonym for an adult male human being only. In the words of a popular dictionary for children, “A boy grows up to be a man. Father and Uncle George are both men”. This is the meaning that native speakers understand because they hear used in everyday speech in this way, since childhood.

Later, we learn that man has another generic meaning, but we do not accept it with the same certainty. Studies of college students and school children show that phrases such as economic man and political man or statements such as ‘man domesticated animals’ and ‘man is a dreamer’ create an image of male people only, not female people or male and female people together.
To go on using, in its former sense, a word whose meaning has changed, is unfair. The point is not that we should recognise a semantic change, but that, in order to be precise, in order to be understood, we must. Furthermore, only recently, have we become aware that conventional English usage, including the generic use of man and other masculine gender words, often hides the actions, the contributions and, sometimes, the very presence of women. We can refuse to accept this view if we want, but if we do, it is like teaching children that the Earth is flat. Continuing to use English in ways that have become misleading, is no different from misusing information.

11. The passage is about
(A) using language to give correct information
(B) recognising that language is changing and use it appropriately
(C) linguistic confusion arising from the change
(D) All of the above

12. The word ‘man’ means
(A) person and adult male
(B) only person
(C) only adult male
(D) None of the above

13. To use ‘man’ as a generic term
(A) leads to unnecessary confusion
(B) makes women seem less important
(C) is misleading
(D) All of the above

14. To use the term ‘man’ as it stands now is essential
(A) as change in semantics must be recognised
(B) in order to communicate with exactitude
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

15. According to the passage, school children and college students
(A) understand ‘man’ as meaning person, both man or woman
(B) associate ‘man’ with only the masculine gender
(C) understands that ‘man’ means both men and women
(D) are confused as they cannot associate ‘man’ with masculine or feminine gender

Answers Key:
  1. Ans: D
  2. Ans: C
  3. Ans: D
  4. Ans: C
  5. Ans: C
  6. Ans: B
  7. Ans: B
  8. Ans: B
  9. Ans: D
  10. Ans: C
  11. Ans: C
  12. Ans: C
  13. Ans: D
  14. Ans: A
  15. Ans: B

You might like this:
  1. Reading Comprehension Tips & Strategies
  2. 5 Levels to Improve Your English

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