Monday 12 January 2015

English Grammar For Competitive Exam

DIRECTIONS (1 – 6): Pick out the most effective pair of words from the given pair of words to make the sentence/s meaningfully complete.

1. Of all the problems that have ……. human beings since the beginning of recorded history. perhaps the most significant has been the ………… of their own nature.

(1) encountered , importance
(2) perplexed , value
(3) questioned , scope
(4) confronted , riddle
(5) directed , issue

2. Self – concept and self –esteem are crucial to personal and professional effectiveness because if they are not fully …………. , I may act in mystifying and sometimes …….. ways.

(1) positive, destructive
(2) developed ,  proactive
(3) nurtured,  reactive
(4) nourished , istless
(5) devised , vulnerable

3. A key factor in ……. an effective and fulfilling life in our complex society is the ability to ……… control over our actions.

(1) achieving,  exert
(2) obtaining, energize
(3) projecting , restrain
(4) providing , admonish
(5) expressing , withhold

Directions: Which of the phrases (1), (2) , (3), and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is & no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

4. He went to the blast site to save his colleague who was stranding there.

(1) Had been stranded 
(2) has to strand
(3) was being stranding 
(4) was been stranding
(5) No correction required

5. When I receive the letter, the date for the interview was already over.

(1) I received the letter 
(2) the letter I had received
(3) I had to receive letter 
(4) I was receiving 
(5) No correction required

6. Everyone is requested to attend the dinner party hosted by the president.

(1) is requesting to   
(2) is requested to
(3) will request to  
(4) is to requested to
(5) No correction required

Directions(7 – 10): Which of the phrases (1), (2) , (3) , (4) , given below type to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct mark (5) i.e., ‘No correction required’ as the answer.

7. For being skilful and experience, he is a valuable employee.

(1) Because he is skill   
(2) On account he is skilled
(3) With his skill    
(4) Beside having skill
(5) No correction required

8. Today there are few countries whose growth rate is equally that of China.

(1) equalize on   
(2) equivalent to
(3) equals with   
(4) on equality with
(5) No correction required

9. The government is willing for finance part of the project.

(1) willingly finance to  
(2) financially willing
(3) willing to finance  
(4) willingness in financing
(5) No correction required

10. We must keep in pace changing technology to succeed.

(1) keep pace with   
(2) kept pace on
(3) in keeping pace  
(4) keep pacing
(5) No correction required

Answers Key:
  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 1
  4. 1
  5. 1
  6. 5
  7. 3
  8. 3
  9. 3
  10. 1

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