Monday 9 March 2015

Quant Quiz For Online Exam 2015

1. At what rate of simple interest per annum does a person get an interest of`4706.1 on the principal amount of  `11205 after 7 years?

1) 4% pa             
2) 6% pa         
3) 8% pa   
4) 12% pa           
5) 14% pa

2. The difference of a two-digit number and the number obtained after interchanging its two digits is 36. If the sum of the two digits of the number is 12, then what is the number?

1) 57              
2) 75              
3) 84 
4) 93               
5) None of these

3. In how many different ways can the letters of the word BOTTLE be arranged?

1) 60               
2) 360       
3) 120 
4) 720               
5) 36

4. The ratio of the length to the breadth of a rectangular field is 16 : 9. If the area of the field is 11664 sq m, what is its perimeter?

1) 420m                
2) 450m         
3) 480m 
4) 520m                
5) 560m

5. What will be the next number in the following number series? 

9155, 6961, 5627, 4901, 4555, ?

1) 4343                
2) 4337           
3) 4433 
4) 4413                 
5) 4403

6. An amount of 110000 is invested at compound interest payable annually. If the rate of interest is 11% pa, what will be the total interest after two years?

1) 23481           
2) 25531          
3) 24200
4) 26416                 
5) None of these

7. An item is sold for 1652 at a profit of 18%. What would have been the gain or loss per cent had it been sold for 1512?

1) 6% 
2) 8% 
3) 10% 
4) 12% 
5) 14%
8. The difference between 72% of a number and  7/ 5  of the same number is 125.8. What is 40% of that number?

1) 64                    
2) 68                  
3) 72 
4) 74                    
5) 78

9. The cost of 16 pens and 20 pencils is `124. What will be the cost of 28 pens and 35 pencils?

1) 284                      
2) 251          
3) 227
4) 217                      
5) 208 

10. The average age of 12 persons is 32 years. If the age of one more person is added, the average decreases by one year. What is the age of the new person?

1) 19 years                
2) 23 years 
3) 25 years
4) 21 years               
5) 27 years 

Answer With Solution :- 

1. (2) : SI = p * r * t / 100
 4706.1 =  (11205 * r * 7) / 100
 r = (4706.1 * 100 ) / (11205 * 7)

2. (3); Let the number be 10x + y.
Then, according to the qu estions,
x + y = 12 ... (i)
Again, according to the question,
10x + y – (10y + x) = 36
 x – y = 4 ... (ii)
Solving eqn (i) and (ii), we get x = 8, y = 4
 Number = 10 × 8 + 4 = 84

3. (2); In the word BOTTLE there are 6 letters and T occurs twice.
Number of ways of arrangement =  6! / 2!  = 360

4. (2); Let its length and breadth be x m and y m respectively.
According to the question,
 x / y = 16 / 9
or, 9x = 16y ... (i)
And the area of the rectangle = l × b
Then, xy = 116 64 ... (ii) 
From eqn (i) and (ii), we get
x = 144, y = 81
Perimeter of the rectangle = 2(144 + 81)
= 4 50m

5. (3); The series is  –13^3  + 3, –11^3  – 3, –9^3  + 3, –7^3  – 3, ........ 

6. (2);  CI  =  P * (1 + (r / 100)) ^ n - P
Now, 110000 * (111/ 100)^2 - 110000
= 135531 – 110000 = `25531

7. (2); Cost price = 1652 × 100 / 118  = `1400
If SP becomes `1512, then % profit  = (1512 - 1400) * 100  /1400 = 8% 

8. (4); Let the number be x.
Then,  ( 72 x / 100 ) - ( 7x / 5 )   =  - 125.8
or, –17x = –125.8 × 25
 x = 185
Now, 40% of x = 185 × 40 / 100  =  74

9. (4); Let the cost of a pen and a pencil be `x and `y respectively.
Then, 16x + 20y = 124 ... (i)
On multipling eqn (i) by  7 / 4 
Then, 28x + 35y = `217

10. (1); Total age of 12 persons = 12 × 32 = 384 years
Total age of (12 + 1) persons = 13 × 31 = 403 years
Now, age of new person = 403 – 384 = 19 years

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